high frequency accelerometer (hfa) câu
The accelerometer has been upgraded for up to 32 g-forces.Cảm biến gia tốc được nâng cấp lên đến 32 g forces There is a accelerometer ...

high frequency
When the intake air volume is high, this signal has a high frequency.Khi thể tích khí nạp lớn, tín hiệu này có tần số cao. A typical V...

I'm getting high-frequency clutter. We lost tracers one, two and six.Tôi càng lúc càng mất bình tĩnh, ta mất bọ số 1 , hai và 6. No "w...

ehf (extremely high frequency)
The Voronezh-class of radars includes three variants – the Voronoezh M, Voronezh-DM (using VHF and UHF), and the Voronezh-VP 'high pote...

extremely high frequency
5G uses millimeter waves that are known as extremely high frequency.5G sử dụng phổ tần số rất cao, gọi là các sóng millimét. The U.S. ...

extremely high frequency (ehf)
Research is ongoing into using FR2 frequencies, which are also known as extremely high frequency (EHF) or millimeter wave (mmWave) freq...

high frequency (hf)
High Frequency (HF) & Near-Field (NFC) 13.56 MHz 3 feet or less Access ControlTần số cao (HF) & Trường gần (NFC) 13,56 MHz 3 feet trở x...

high frequency heating
Impulse-hardening technology: by using a special high frequency heating technique, the teeth are heated and instantly hardened.Sử dụng ...

high frequency treatment
Prepare to sanitizing effect and application of laser assisted hair Strengthener and high frequency treatment have the potential à to c...

high frequency vibration
On the seat a high frequency vibration massage plate has been added to massage the back portion of user’s upper legs.Trên ghế, một tấm ...

high frequency waves
The group says this technology uses very high frequency waves.Công nghệ này sử dụng những bước sóng tần số cao. As its name suggests, ...

high-frequency circuit
High-frequency circuit design must account for two important though somewhat mysterious phenomena: reflections and standing waves.Thiết...

high-frequency component
High-frequency component distorts the solutionBước sóng tần số cao làm nhiễu loạn

high-frequency current
When using this method, the wart is removed by high-frequency current.Khi sử dụng phương pháp này, mụn cóc được loại bỏ bởi dòng điện t...

high-frequency furnace
The first fully-functional induction furnace was presented in 1891 by F. A. Kjellin, and the first high-frequency furnace application o...

high-frequency generator
However, then the high-frequency generator of Alexanderson and Triode vacuum tubes of De Forest have been largely overcome these primar...

high-frequency heating
Using a special high-frequency heating technology, teeth are immediately heated and hardened.Sử dụng kỹ thuật tạo nhiệt cao tần đặc biệ...

high-frequency oscillation
HFOs high-frequency oscillationsHFO High-Frequency Oscillation Giao động tần số cao

high-frequency range
excellent sound perception, even in the high-frequency rangenhận thức âm thanh tuyệt vời, ngay cả trong phạm vi tần số cao They saw th...

high-frequency signal
MOSFETs are governed by a high-frequency signal that comes from the PWM unit.MOSFET được điều chỉnh bởi tín hiệu tần số cao đến từ đơn ...

high-frequency spectrum
To achieve those crazy-high 5G speeds, you need really, really high-frequency spectrum.Để đạt được tốc độ 5G cực kỳ điên rồ đó, bạn cần...

high-frequency trading
No "we are banning high-frequency trading!">“VEC không có quyền cấm xe lưu thông trên cao tốc!” We specialise in analysing high-freque...

high-frequency transformer
Another advantage of the LCLR work coil arrangement is that it does not require a high-frequency transformer to provide the impedance m...

high-frequency welding
High-frequency welding machine is different from other welding machine,its function and use is not just a single welding.Máy hàn tần số...

super high frequency
Numerous wireless companies are experimenting with 5G on super high frequency networks, up to as high as 73,000 MHz.Rất nhiều nhà mạng ...